
News & Events


So Near Yet So Far

We’re in the final countdown of 2023. With only 10 days (and counting) left it seems like the year is over. But there’s still so much more excitement and fun and so many reasons to come to San Francisco before we turn the page to 2024. Read More

It’s Time to Give Thanks

November is such a great month. We’re in the heart of the fall season and even though the days are shorter, the cool weather and crispy air is really invigorating. There’s a definite enthusiasm that takes place as we make all our end of the year plans. And best of all, there’s Thanksgiving. This could be one of the best holidays of the year as it causes us to really think about all that we have to be thankful for and about. Read More

Holiday Season Already!?

How can we possibly be at the end of 2023? Wasn’t it just 2022 New Year’s Eve? Have we really completed 3 quarters of 2023? Did we really go through an entire baseball season? Well, here we are with only 3 months left and they’re already speeding by. Here we are in those final festive months of holidays and end of year celebrations. Have you made your plans yet? Read More

It’s Going to be A Great Second Half

2023 is now half way over. Can we believe it?! Summer has just begun and we’re all thinking about vacations, the beach and all the other summer stuff. We’re enjoying the longer days and hoping that everything moves in slow motion so that we can enjoy our summertime. Read More

Memorial Day? No… Memorial Month!

It’s May! It’s that lovely month that bridges spring and summer. From May Day to Mother’s Day to Memorial Day, the month of May begs all of us to get out and make some memories. Allow Hotel VIA to show you the way! Read More

They’re Baaaack…..

It’s that time of year again. We wait the entire fall and winter for this special day. The day when everything seems possible. There’s nothing like the start of a new baseball season. There’s nothing like opening day. On Friday, April 7th, the 2023 Giants debut at home, across the street from Hotel VIA, at Oracle Park. Read More

Hotel VIA has a party for you!

What does one think about when one thinks about St. Patrick’s Day? In a word: FUN! The images of revelers from coast to coast hoisting pints of beer, cheering bagpipers and step dancers and marching bands parading through city streets belies the more religious beginning of an Irish holiday that celebrates the Patron Saint of Ireland. But in a perfect mix of religion, legend, and pride the Irish have shared with all of us all a day to experience specialty foods, revel in great music, dancing and drinking and indulge in a whole lot of green. Read More

Yay! A Holiday Weekend!

Not sure when “Washington’s Birthday” morphed into “Presidents Day” but really…does it matter? Bottom line is that either way it’s a 3-day holiday. And…better make the most of it because it’s the last federal holiday until May. Read More

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